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201 lines
// FORM.DEF NPI form object data selectors
// Borland International (c) 1987 - 1993
// This include file contains all the selectors required for forms.
// NOTE:
// Selectors listed in the following table which are shown to have
// "Value: Number" will sometimes return the null string instead
// of the numeric zero. For logical compares, null is the same
// as zero, however when emitting the value to the output file
// the null string must be converted to a numeric zero explicitly.
// A user defined function is used in the FORM.COD template program
// called NUL2ZERO() for converting null strings to explicit numeric
// zeros.
// ELEMENT selectors (FOREACH loop elements)
ELEMENT 1000, // All elements types by row & column
BOX_ELEMENT 1086, // Box element
FLD_ELEMENT 1130, // Field element
TEXT_ELEMENT 1085, // Text element
// Selectors common to all elements
ELEMENT_TYPE 001, // Element types found in forms are:
// Menu Path: None
ROW_POSITN 225, // Row number of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
COL_POSITN 093, // Column number of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
SYS_FLEN 053, // Element length in layout
SYS_INAME 068, // reserved
SYS_FMT 071, // reserved
SYS_PAGE 090, // reserved
SYS_ROW 092, // reserved
SYS_ATRB 094, // reserved
// Frame level selectors - can be accessed at any time
NAME 040, // Name of NPI form object
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FRAME_CLASS 181, // Object type (called MENU_TYPE in application.def)
// Menu Path: None - Value:11=form, 12=label, 13=report
FRAME_VER 150, // Version #
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FRAME_FILE_TYPE 151, // File type of object
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FRAME_PATH 042, // Path of object
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FRAME_NUM_OF_FIELDS 153, // Number of fields
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
// Text attribute selectors (FOREACH Text_element x .... NEXT)
TEXT_ITEM 095, // Static text data
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
// Field attribute selectors (FOREACH Fld_element x .... NEXT)
FLD_FILENAME 060, // File name (Alias) of current field
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FLD_FIELDNAME 061, // Field name of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FLD_FIELDTYPE 063, // Where the data coming from
// Menu Path: None - Value: 0:dBF field 1:calc'ed
// 2:sum 3:predefined 4:memory var
FLD_VALUE_TYPE 064, // Field data type in dBF
// Menu Path: None - Value: 67:char 68:date 70:float
// 76:logical 77:memo 78:numeric
// Try chr(fld_value_type) return C:char D:date etc.
FLD_LENGTH 065, // Length of field in dBF
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FLD_DECIMALS 066, // Number of decimal positions for numeric data
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
FLD_TEMPLATE 074, // Picture template
// Menu Path: FMT - Value: String
FLD_PICFUN 075, // Picture functions
// Menu Path: FMP - Value: String
FLD_PIC_CHOICE 180, // Picture function sting for enumerated (M) picture
// Menu Path: FMP - Value: String
FLD_PIC_SCROLL 183, // Picture function scroll with for (S) picture
// Menu Path: FMP - Value: String
FLD_DESCRIPT 076, // Calc & sum description
// Menu Path: FMD - Value: String
FLD_EXPRESSION 077, // Calculated field expression
// Menu Path: FME - Value: String
FLD_L_BOUND 079, // Lower field range bound
// Menu Path: FMES - Value: String
FLD_U_BOUND 080, // Upper field range bound
// Menu Path: FMEL - Value: String
FLD_DEF_VAL 081, // Default field value
// Menu Path: FMED - Value: String
FLD_ED_COND 082, // Edit if condition
// Menu Path: FMEE - Value: String
FLD_OK_COND 083, // Satisfy condition
// Menu Path: FMEA - Value: String
FLD_REJ_MSG 084, // Reject message
// Menu Path: FMEU - Value: String
FLD_HLP_MSG 099, // Help message
// Menu Path: FMEM - Value: String
FLD_MEM_TYP 170, // Memo window type
// Menu Path: FMED - Value: 1:Open 2:Marker
FLD_EDITABLE 087, // Say or Get data
// Menu Path: FMED - Value: 0:say 1:get 3:REQUIRED RANGE
FLD_CARRY 088, // Carry value forward
// Menu Path: FMEC - Value: 0:no 1:yes
FLD_DISPLAY 171, // Field display
// Menu Path: WD - Value: number See udf() at
// bottom of form.cod for values
FLD_STYLE 096, // Menu Path: WD - Value:
// Box Attribute Selectors (FOREACH Box_element x .... NEXT)
BOX_TYPE 160, // 0:single 1:double 2:special
// Menu Path: LB - Value: 0:single 1:double 2:special
BOX_SPECIAL_CHAR 161, // Box character
// Menu Path: LBU - Value: Number
BOX_LEFT 162, // Left column for box
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
BOX_TOP 163, // Top row of box
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
BOX_WIDTH 164, // Box width in columns
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
BOX_HEIGHT 165, // Box height in rows
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
// Values returned by Fld_Fieldtype
enum dbf = 0, // Field from a database
calc, // Calculated expression
sum, // Summary ie. Average, Count, etc.
predef, // Predefined ie. Date, Page, etc.
memvar; // Memvar reference
enum mfo_release = 0,
enum on_key_help = "F1", // Help procedure key
on_key_recalc = "F5", // Recalc expressions - not used yet
on_key_cut = "F6", // Cut data to variable
on_key_edpaste = "Ctrl-F5", // Edit Paste data
on_key_move = "F7", // Move active window
on_key_paste = "F8", // Paste Cut Data
on_key_zoom = "F9", // Zoom to Form
on_key_browse = "Ctrl-F3" // Move to Browse Table
// Enum string constants for international translation
enum wrong_class = "Imposible usar FORM.GEN en objetos que no sean formatos. ",
form_empty = "Diseño de pantalla vacío. ",
no_scb_file = "Imposible encontrar fichero extendido de diseño - ",
to_many_windows= "Se ha sobrepasado el límite máximo de 20 ventanas.",
multi_file_err = "no es un programa multi-tabla - ¿Sobreescribir (S/N)?",
multi_file_log = "no ha sido creado con FORM.GEN y no se ha seleccionado la opción sobreescribir.",
multi_file_msg = "Generando programa multi-tabla:",
multi_file_del = "Este registro está enlazado con otros y no puede ser borrado.",
multi_file_det = "Error en número de definición de región ",
multi_file_fld = "Error en región - no hay campos ",
multi_file_opn = "[Abriendo ficheros de datos.]",
multi_file_siz = "Número de líneas no coincide con tamaño de región:",
multi_file_mas = "Campo de enlace de la base de datos principal no está en formato:",
one_moment_msg = "Un momento por favor...",
bad_pick = "Coordenadas de lista de opciones superan columna 70 - mover campo a la izq.",
bad_shadow = "Coordenadas del sombreado superan columna 79 - mover campo a la izquierda",
dbtrap_err = "Desactive (OFF) SET DBTRAP para utilizar este formato.",
proc_err = "Librería de procedimientos",
tag_err = "ORDER TAG no encontrado:",
var_err = "Variable no encontrada:",
file_err = "no encontrado.",
can_not_run = "Imposible ejecutar fichero de procedimiento",
select_msg1 = "[Pulse Enter para seleccionar o Esc para cancelar]",
select_msg2 = "[ Izquierda:F3 Derecha:F4 Mover ventana:" +
on_key_move +"]",
get_ext_comment= "Extensiones de formato añadidas a GET",
dup_entry = "Esta entrada está duplicada.",
help_msg1 = "Desplazamiento por Ayuda: Ctrl-Home Salir: Esc ",
help_msg2 = "Ver pantalla original: F3",
help_err2 = "No hay ayuda para este campo:",
help_err1 = "Fichero de ayuda no existe: "